Saturday, June 21, 2008

Cake, Flowers, and Dancing

Here are a couple pictures of our reception. It ended up being exactly how I had always pictured it. The weather was perfect so were the colors, flowers, yard, and food. I loved it all! We had a couple moments trying to get everything figured out but with the help of so many amazing family members and friends we got everything ready. It started out with hair problems and with my planned hair dresser out planning her own wedding and stuck in traffic Elise came and saved the day. Thank you so much Elise I don't think I ever got to tell you! I just couldn't figure out which way to twist my hair. The mirror is so deceiving. I guess the traffic was really bad because our wedding decorator was also running late and with it now being an hour until the reception starts we didn't have ANYTHING set up. Too say the least we were all a little stressed. Once she came and started setting everything up I can't even start to tell you how I was feeling. With my dress on all I could do was stand and watch everything happen. I saw all my family and friends running around the yard making it look exactly how I pictured. We didn't even have to ask, they all saw that we needed help and put themselves to work. I felt so loved at that moment. I feel bad because I don't know how to thank everybody enough. I will never forget the service and love you all show for us.

We were running out of time so in between setting up we got to take family pictures. The colors and everything ended up looking so pretty. I loved the old truck that we had for our presents. We were rushed so we didn't get to have too many pictures taken but Valerie did such a good job we didn't miss out. I don't have Kyle's family by the truck for some reason so when I get that picture I will post it. Sorry guys!

This was my favorite picture of my Bridesmaids. I love these girls! Sarah, Korin and Andrea. And can I just point out my bouquet?! I loved it! I saw a picture on the Internet and took it to my Sweetbriar Cove. They matched it and added the brown twisty things. They were a real flower! I think I showed everybody it that night cause I thought it was so cool. I wish that it would have never died.

Kyle with his Groomsmen. Ted and Nick.

Here is my beautiful family!! My mom matched the colors so good. I know that I gave her some hard ones but I think that the pictures look way good. I'm sure that it doesn't help that everybody is so cute! From left to right: Dad, Jenae, Me, Kyle, Kaden, Mom, Jacee, and Kyson.

Our line never ended. People started coming exactly on time (even though we weren't quite ready yet) and then the line ended right at 9. The night went by so fast. We were so excited to see everybody. Of course we can never be serious for too long. I think Kyle was trying to lick me. He is such a goof.

Me and my Daddy!! I had to convince him that and Daddy Dance was needed. I'm pretty sure that he was glad we had one.

Our first dance!

This was our candy table. It had a sign that Debbie made above it saying "Candy Shoppe". Cindy helped make the table cute and keep it running the whole night. As you can tell there is no chocolate. I am more of a Gummy candy person. I had the sun on my side though. I kept saying that the chocolate would melt so we had to have all the "good candy"! I thought that it looked really good. Thank you for helping with that Cindy.

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