Monday, April 13, 2009

Adventures at the Bottomless Pit

After rounding up all the glass bottles and gas that we could find we headed out to the bottomless pit. It is the perfect place for some good dangerous fun. Not just the fact that if you fell through the hole in the grate you would fall to your death but when you get a couple boys together with gas and matches you know its not the safest place to be. If you put all that aside it really is a fun activity to do on a Saturday night!
Me, Mandi, and Yamihle
Kyle showing everybody how it is done. Good thing he didn't completely loose all his hair cause I told him I wouldn't love him anymore if he did and I'm pretty sure I couldn't follow through with that threat. He is such a cutie I can't help but love him.
Kyson and Max showing their true colors.
Kyle and Kyson.....uh?
It looked like they were having so much fun that we all had to join in. Good times!

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